Welcome to

European Beer Consumers’ Union


What is the EBCU?

EBCU is a non-political, non-religious organisation formed in May 1990 by the national beer consumer in Bruges, Belgium, by three national beer organisations: CAMRA (United Kingdom), Objectieve Bierproevers (Belgium, now Zythos) and PINT (Netherlands), to give voice to the beer consumer at the European level, both within and beyond the European Union (EU).



Beer, the enjoyable low alcohol drink of the general public for every
occasion, has played and continues to play a major role in European

culture, history, society, local communities and the wider economy.

Who can join the EBCU?

Membership of EBCU is open to all non-exclusive national organisations of beer consumers, provided they are independent of all outside influence, represent the beer consumer and can wholeheartedly endorse certain aims and objectives.


Green Hop Beer

Green Hop Beer

Hops are grown in the Midlands and South East of England. They are harvested during September and early October. The cones are separated...

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All About… Best Bitter

All About… Best Bitter

Don't forget to register for the next in our All About... Beer Series which runs on March 25th. All About Best Bitter will be presented by...

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Meet the president of the EBCU

André was elected for EBCU Executive in 2017 after being a delegate for Olutliitto, Finland since 2008. He mainly works as a software engineer but also as a beer journalist and is often judging in different beer competitions with a wide knowledge of beer styles coming from over 20 years of home brewing. Living in Helsinki, André has a good knowledge of the Nordic alcohol monopolies and how they affect the beer consumer.
Focus organisations in EBCU: SPP, Bjórmenningarfélag Íslands, SÖ and CAMRA
Was elected for EBCU executive in 2018 and chairman in 2022.